One of the aims of the Ribault Song Project is to create artful video presentations exploring the supporting story arcs in the French Florida narrative.  The following are some of our proposed episodes:

       The Five Columns – Exploring the destiny of Ribault’s stone monuments

       Locating La Caroline – Documenting the 200 year old search for the missing fort

       The River May – Is the St. Johns River really the River May?

       Monument – The history of the Jacksonville Ribault Monument

       Memorial – Charles Bennett’s quest to establish the Fort Caroline National Memorial

       Huguenot Ring – The fate of the “Huguenot Ring” found in Jacksonville in 1911 

       Charles Bennett – Translator, historian, and congressman

       Music at Fort Caroline – The Huguenots were known for their rich musical culture

       Psalm 132 – The Psalm Jean Ribault recited before his death

       Mocama – The native people the French encountered in North Florida

       The Bluff – St. Johns Bluff is one of the highest point in Jacksonville and a pivotal part of the story of La Caroline

       Letter – A look at a letter sent from a young solider in Fort Caroline to his home in France

       Heretics –  Exploring the religious friction between the French protestants and their Catholic neighbors

       Matanzas – The place of massacre